Misconception #2: A Home Stager will just tell me to declutter and depersonalize my home. I can do that myself.
Decluttering and depersonalizing are two common staging techniques aimed to allow buyers to see beyond distractions in the home. These are important techniques, but are in fact just a small part of what most professional home stagers will address. I do, however, want to stress the importance of decluttering and depersonalizing so let's talk about it here…
It may seem like an easy task but there is a lot of emotion that goes into decluttering and depersonalizing a home. We need to remember that your home is now a product - a commodity - and we want it to appeal to the broadest number of buyers. Research shows that buyers want to envision themselves in a home and clutter will give the impression that there isn’t space for their belongings. ‘Stuff’ can make a room feel smaller than it actually is. Personal items like tissue boxes and yes, even your alarm clock, can be perceived as clutter. Photographs, collectibles or items that reflect political or religious views can be distracting and don't allow buyers to easily visualize themselves in the house or visualize the potential of a room.
It is estimated that only 10% of home buyers can visualize the potential of a home. That means 90% are not going to be able to look past clutter and distractions such as personal items!
As part of KW Home Staging & Redesign’s Home Staging Consultations, we provide an action plan to neutralize and remove any items that will distract from the home’s features. We have simple and practical solutions that go along with our recommendations. To find out what other topics we address through our Home Staging Consultations please visit our Services page at www.homestagingkw.com.